Ultimo Inc. Design Portfolio


Studio Projects thru 2023

Studio Projects thru 2023

Website Design

As everyone knows, websites are extremely fluid projects. We designed and organized our first sites for clients in 1998, working in a constantly changing corporate and technical environment. While some have not been fully realized because of internal client issues, timing and budgets, here are some favorites…

350 Graphics: A company that created graphics for Tshirts and other apparel.

Real Estate Co in NYC

Verbs on Asphalt: The first documented history of Nuyorican Poetry Slam containing over 200 pages and 24 videos created as my MFA Thesis project.
See www.verbsonasphalt.com

Other Voices: A start-up that delivered unusual word designs on paper products.

Models of Perception: How we come to think the way we do.

Nuyorican Poets Cafe: The first website for the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, founded in 1975 in NYC.

Zinn Argan Beauty Products

Invisible Forces: Graphic Tees with a metaphysical twist.

Enlightened Tarot: Website for Tarot researcher and reader.

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