Ultimo Inc. Design Portfolio


Studio Projects thru 2023

Studio Projects thru 2023

Publications & Periodicals

Designing magazines, corporate newsletters, and “zines” is a dynamic blend of creativity and communication. From polished layouts in magazines and newsletters that enhance content engagement, to the rebellious and experimental designs of “zines” that challenge conventions – each form of design crafts a unique visual narrative, captivating audiences and conveying ideas in its own distinctive way.

Eat and Run

Design included masthead for this media publication created for Hunter College, NYC.

Nuyorican Poets Café

 Design included masthead for this first-time ever commemorative publication for the Nuyorican Poets Café.

Marvel Update

Monthly periodical created for Marvel Entertainment Group.

Relocation News

Masthead & newsletter design for Credit Suisse/First Boston group to help employees be prepared for a corporate relocation.

HR Communique

Masthead & newsletter design for a division of the American Express Corporation.

AT&T Together

Newsletter design for a division of AT&T Capital.

International Emmy Awards

Masthead and newsletter design.

Columbia House Classical Music Club Monthly Companion Magazines

A series of ongoing publications that accompanied CDs in the mail.

Poetry Calendar

Printed on newsprint on a budget that would make your shoes squeak, Ultimo designed the masthead & magazine format.

"Poets & Writers" Magazine Prototype

Masthead & format created for a non-profit literary organization in NYC.

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